Books Download Song of the Silent Snow Free

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Original Title: Song of the Silent Snow
ISBN: 0714530506 (ISBN13: 9780714530505)
Edition Language: English
Books Download Song of the Silent Snow  Free
Song of the Silent Snow Paperback | Pages: 216 pages
Rating: 3.56 | 1528 Users | 61 Reviews

Itemize Appertaining To Books Song of the Silent Snow

Title:Song of the Silent Snow
Author:Hubert Selby Jr.
Book Format:Paperback
Book Edition:Deluxe Edition
Pages:Pages: 216 pages
Published:September 1st 2000 by Marion Boyars Publishers Ltd (first published 1986)
Categories:Short Stories. Fiction. Literature

Rendition To Books Song of the Silent Snow

Hubert Selby is probably one of the six best novelists writing in the English language.?Financial Times Author of controversial cult classic, Last Exit to Brooklyn, Hubert Selby began as a writer of short fiction. He excels in this form, plunging the reader head-first into the densely realized worlds of his protagonists, in which the details of daily life rub shoulders with obsession and madness. Although fundamentally concerned with morality, Selby's own sense of humility prevents him from preaching. He offers instead a passionate empathy with the ordinary dreams and aspirations of his characters, a brilliant ear for the urban vernacular and for the voices of conscience and self-deceit that torment his characters. "A major American author of a stature with William Burroughs and Joseph Heller."?Los Angeles Times "Selby's place is in the front rank of American novelists ... to understand his work is to understand the anguish of America."?The New York Times Book Review Novels by Hubert Selby Jr available from Marion Boyars: Last Exit to Brooklyn, The Room, The Demon, Requiem for a Dream and The Willow Tree..

Rating Appertaining To Books Song of the Silent Snow
Ratings: 3.56 From 1528 Users | 61 Reviews

Write-Up Appertaining To Books Song of the Silent Snow
Superb...and not even his most acclaimed!The Coat, Of Whales and Dreams, and Song of the Silent Snows.... perfection. All the stories in this collection are incredible writing. I cannot wait to read everything this man has written.

More vignettes than short stories. And Selby Jr. sure hates using punctuation, which I found distracting.

I've read this book in the past. I has to be one of my favorite short story collections and my favorite Hubert Selby, Jr. book. I treasure it with my every fiber because of the stories within the text. The last being my favorite and more inpsiring.

The redemptive power of the "title track," as it were, is extraordinary.

I've always felt a kinship with Mr. Selby and I was sad to see him go a few years back. I met him and he signed a copy of this book at a reading in 2000. This collection includes one of my favorite short stories: "Hi, Champ." The guy just had an awesome mind and one hell of an imagination. His demons are the hidden, unspoken demons that haunt us all.

I've read all of Selby Jr's novels, and have to say that I enjoyed them more than I did this collection. Selby's work can be hard hitting thematically and challenging to read stylistically, and while this approach was effective at times in this collection, at other times it seemed a little forced. Not a book that I'd consider revisiting and I would recommend investing time in his novels rather than this collection should anyone wish to read his work.

At times crude, at times poetic, often trancendent. My favorite kind of short story collection: one that reads better as a complete work, a novel of unconnected characters.

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