Online Books Free Brilliance of the Moon (Tales of the Otori #3) Download

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Title:Brilliance of the Moon (Tales of the Otori #3)
Author:Lian Hearn
Book Format:Paperback
Book Edition:Anniversary Edition
Pages:Pages: 346 pages
Published:June 7th 2005 by Riverhead Books
Categories:Fantasy. Fiction. Historical. Historical Fiction. Cultural. Japan. Young Adult
Online Books Free Brilliance of the Moon (Tales of the Otori #3) Download
Brilliance of the Moon (Tales of the Otori #3) Paperback | Pages: 346 pages
Rating: 4.05 | 18361 Users | 455 Reviews

Chronicle In Favor Of Books Brilliance of the Moon (Tales of the Otori #3)

A beautiful, haunting evocation of the medieval Japan of Lian Hearn's imagination, this thrilling follow-up to Grass for His Pillow and Across the Nightingale Floor delves deeper into the complex loyalties that bind its characters from birth. Filled with adventure and surprising twists of plot and fortune, this final volume travels beyond the Three Countries, to the outside influences that threaten to intrude upon this isolated realm.

Identify Books Concering Brilliance of the Moon (Tales of the Otori #3)

ISBN: 1594480869 (ISBN13: 9781594480867)
Edition Language: English
Series: Tales of the Otori #3
Characters: Otori Takeo, Kaede Shirakawa, Lord Arai
Literary Awards: Aurealis Award Nominee for Best Fantasy Novel (2004)

Rating Epithetical Books Brilliance of the Moon (Tales of the Otori #3)
Ratings: 4.05 From 18361 Users | 455 Reviews

Piece Epithetical Books Brilliance of the Moon (Tales of the Otori #3)

Takeo and Kaede have married and they are traveling to claim their respective lands. They become separated, when Takeo goes to make an alliance with the Tareda (pirates), and Kaede leaves Mariyama to visit her home, Shirakawa. She intends to bring back her sisters, but is instead ambushed by Lord Fujiwara who has her marriage to Takeo annulled and marries her himself. Takeo returns and discovers that his wife has been taken. Enraged, he sets off to destroy Fujiwara, but is intercepted by Lord

I wish the series had ended here, because it's amazing how the storyline comes together.

This final book in the trilogy did not disappoint. I enjoyed the interlacing of history, with mystery, magic, myth and legend, set within a Medieval Japan consisting of exotic sounding names, places and a strongly feudal and warrior based society. I look forward to reading the additional two books in this series - a sequel and prequel.

The last book in the "Tales of the Otori" but not really the end of the story so maybe they'll be another... I enjoyed reading these. They take place in a medieval Japan. A boy, Takeo, is rescued by Lord Otori who will become his adopted father. The story centers around Takeo, the love of his life, Kaede, the Tribe, and the feudal wars of the time.There is a prequel to these called, "Heaven's Net is Wide". I'm starting it now but I wish I would have read it first.

I felt myself spacing out alot during this book. The first half of the book felt very very slow and finally started picking up pace towards the end. I wish I felt more compelled to read these books and somehow feel I should finish the whole series since I have made it so far but it wasnt as good as the 2nd book I would say.

Three stars for a deus ex machina of an earthquake. Fujiwara deserved a more creative end, and Kaede deserved much more agency in it.

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