Books Download Take One (Above the Line #1) Free Online

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Title:Take One (Above the Line #1)
Author:Karen Kingsbury
Book Format:Paperback
Book Edition:First Edition
Pages:Pages: 352 pages
Published:March 5th 2009 by Zondervan (first published January 28th 2009)
Categories:Christian Fiction. Christian. Fiction
Books Download Take One (Above the Line #1) Free Online
Take One (Above the Line #1) Paperback | Pages: 352 pages
Rating: 4.19 | 7800 Users | 339 Reviews

Explanation Supposing Books Take One (Above the Line #1)

Could they change the world before the world changes them? Filmmakers Chase Ryan and Keith Ellison left the mission field of Indonesia for the mission field of Hollywood with a dream bigger than both of them. Now they have done the impossible: raised enough money to produce a feature film with a message that could change the world. But as Chase and Keith begin shooting, their well-laid plans begin to unravel. With millions of dollars on the line, they make a desperate attempt to keep the film from falling apart even as a temperamental actress, a botched production schedule, and their own insecurities leave little room for the creative and spiritual passion that once motivated them. Was God really behind this movie after all? A chance meeting and friendship with John Baxter could bring the encouragement they need to stay on mission and produce a movie that will actually change people s lives. In the midst of the questions and the cameras, is it possible to keep things above the line and make a movie unlike anything done before or is the risk too great for everyone?"

Specify Books To Take One (Above the Line #1)

Original Title: Take One
ISBN: 0310266165 (ISBN13: 9780310266167)
Edition Language: English
Series: Above the Line #1, The Baxters #15
Setting: Bloomington, Indiana(United States)

Rating Regarding Books Take One (Above the Line #1)
Ratings: 4.19 From 7800 Users | 339 Reviews

Commentary Regarding Books Take One (Above the Line #1)
God is always on time!I love reading Karen Kingsbury Faith based books. They are so down to earth and show how God doesn't always work things out the way we expect them. God's timing isn't always our timing either. Sometimes He allows things to happen right away, but most of the time we have to wait for His perfect timing just like the characters had to wait patiently for their miracle. When our faith is tested, we learn to rely on God's timing. During that time our faith grows and we are God in

I really enjoy this author's writing. The audio book used 4 different voice actors to "play" the different roles which added an interesting aspect to it. I really like that prayers aren't answered immediately and that when things look bleak, there isn't a quick blame put on God but instead a faith that God had a different plan. I look forward to reading the next in the series!

This is the first book in Karen Kingsbury's Above the Line series. I enjoyed the book and the story kept me entertained especially the on-going storyline involving Bailey and Cody. It was fun that she tied in characters from previous books to "check in" with them. I suppose some may find the book cheesy and predictable, but I find Karen Kingsbury books relaxing, refreshingly innocent and easy to read.

Another excellent storyKaren Kingsbury continues her excellent storytelling regarding the lives of faithful believers. She sets up background for the characters so the reader can understand their struggles and mixes scriptures in to boost their faith. She is honest in presenting the struggles of believers which is encouraging for readers.

Karen Kingsbury is perhaps my favorite all time author. I think I can officially say I've read and loved everything she has written. And this series now at 4 books, is no exception. They are quick light reads and reinforce Christian morality and principles.This series introduces us to a whole new cast of characters for Karen, while feeding our love for the best loved family in Christian Chic Lit, The Baxters. Many of the Baxters and others from that series make appearances in the new series. I

Bailey and Andi are roommates at college. Andi grew up overseas as the child of missionaries. Andis dad, Keith, and his fellow missionary friend, Chase, are trying to make a Christian-based movie. They are filming in the town where Andi and Bailey are attending college. This film will be a test of their faith, as they are on an extremely tight budget. Bailey and Andi will also have their faith and character tested as they adjust to this new college setting.

This first book in the Above the Line series was mainly focused on two story lines...Chase Ryan and friend Keith Ellison making a movie with Christian values and Bailey Flanigan and her college roommate Andi Ellison, daughter of Keith and his wife, Lisa. The Baxters are mentioned briefly, supporting the making of the movie, and gathering to pray for its success. Chase and Keith were missionaries in Indonesia. They decide to make an independent movie with their own funds so no one in Hollywood


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