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Original Title: Knight & Play ASIN B00ACMPB0A
Edition Language: English
Series: Knight #1
Characters: Lucien Knight (Knight), Sophie Black
Setting: London, England(United Kingdom) Tromsø(Norway)
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Knight & Play (Knight #1) Kindle Edition | Pages: 210 pages
Rating: 4.03 | 26411 Users | 1534 Reviews

Chronicle As Books Knight & Play (Knight #1)

There's only one thing in life Lucien Knight really hates, and that's husbands who cheat on their wives. There's only one problem in Sophie Black's life. Her cheating husband... From the moment Lucien & Sophie meet, the seal is set. Romantic, emotional & intensely erotic, Knight and Play is the perfect read for lovers of international bestsellers Fifty Shades & Bared To You. Let yourself be swept away by Part One of the Knight series from Kitty French, a romance so hot it'll burn your fingers... CEO of Knight Inc. Lucien Knight is catch-your-breath gorgeous and damaged by his troubled past in Norway. All grown up and relocated to London, he's built his empire of adult clubs from the ground up to become the gorgeous patron saint of the sex industry. No one knows the dark childhood secrets that have given Lucien a backbone of steel and a heart encased in ice. No one until Sophie Black, that is... From the moment girl-next-door Sophie accepts the job as Lucien Knight's PA, she understands how Alice must have felt when she tumbled down the rabbit hole. Lucien takes her safe, vanilla life away and plunges her head first into a huge dish of fantasy flavours. Rich, spicy chocolate covered with dark, oozingly lickable sauce? Check. Tutti-frutti with indecently red, glistening cherries on the top? Yes please. Lucien strips away all of Sophie's inhibitions, and when he instructs her to select three new toys, she soon realises he has more than a game of Monopoly on his mind... He's opened the door to a whole new pleasure packed world without limits, and Sophie is utterly intoxicated. But how far is she willing to go? And what happens when she has to step back into reality again? Lucien & Sophie's is a story of star crossed love and forbidden passion, a sexual odyssey that spans the globe and changes both of their lives forever. Let it change yours, too.

Point Containing Books Knight & Play (Knight #1)

Title:Knight & Play (Knight #1)
Author:Kitty French
Book Format:Kindle Edition
Book Edition:First Edition
Pages:Pages: 210 pages
Published:November 23rd 2012 by Amazon Digital Services
Categories:Romance. Adult Fiction. Erotica. BDSM. Contemporary Romance. Contemporary

Rating Containing Books Knight & Play (Knight #1)
Ratings: 4.03 From 26411 Users | 1534 Reviews

Write Up Containing Books Knight & Play (Knight #1)
[The full review is at]Arrrrrgggggghhhh! Ok, I had to get that out! Ive just been left with a cliffhanger to shame all cliffhangers! I actually knew there would be a cliffhanger but I needed a sexy billionaire alpha male fix so bad I decided to still go for it.So what is this about? Lucien Knight is the CEO of a company that both produces sex toys and runs sex clubs. Hes in search of a personal assistant and thats where Sophie Black comes in. Girl next door Sophie

I had several problems, cheating which was the least of it. 1. I don't enjoy H's in the sex industry, business wise, or their actual jobs. I find the involvement tacky. 2. I don't expect a hero to have never have been intimate with anyone, but I don't like romances which thrust their tantalising life in the heroine's face. The sex industry business immediately implies the hero's kinks, and his obvious experience with several attendees of his club. It's...distasteful in some respects. 3. Sophie

This book immediately captured my attention, the first time someone told me about it. So, when I was left trying to figure out what to read next, I decided to jump in and read this one. I actually enjoyed this. I wasnt sure what to expect with it; some reviews I read said it was similar to Fifty Shades and Bared to You, while other reviews said just a little like the other two books. For me, the only similarity (and I havent read Fifty Shades) was that the hero was a mega rich billionaire. Oh

You deserve better. You deserve to be adored, and you deserve to be fucked until you cant stand up. HOLY SMUTTTTTTTTT!!!! lol. I mean really.This is the kind of read where you just stop thinking and just go with it ;)It was an absolutely random spur-of-the-moment buddy read I did last night. It had been sitting on my to-read list for a while because it had a lot of key themes in the blurb that caught my attention namely the damaged, hot and kinky billionaire whose name had me drooling

4 PRINCESS STARS.This book holds an eclectic range of emotions, at times it's wonderfully humorous with laugh out loud moments and witty one liners. It also has moments of raw sensuality, hot, yes, erotic scenes but amongst all this is a tinge of sadness with the story of a breakup, and gut wrenching sadness of the separation of hearts. Did I think the author put this all in one story well? YES, I was fully immersed in the storyline and found myself torn between the reconciliation of a lost

Well well well...guess what? It's another kinky billionaire trilogy! I swear to all the Gods that this is the last one of it's kind I will ever buy again!So the plot... according to the synopsis there should have been one. Something about a cheating husband and a billionaire sex tycoon who comes to the rescue? Well I suppose there was something about that, but I'm thinking that must be the synopsis for all three books cause this one doesn't get that far. This is just sex! Yucky, eye rolling

4 stars! I spent the last few days listening to the audio book of Knight & Play, I just finished and immediately bought the audiobook of the second! Im not going to lie when I first started reading and found our our heroine was married, I wasnt sure how much I was going to love it. But the more I read, the more I enjoyed it. Lucien was really fantastic. And it turns out that I liked Sophie a lot too. Lucien is a young, rich and successful bachelor. And Sophie is his new assistant. Lucien


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