Online Books Free The Big Over Easy (Nursery Crime #1) Download

Present Books Conducive To The Big Over Easy (Nursery Crime #1)

Original Title: The Big Over Easy
ISBN: 0143037234 (ISBN13: 9780143037231)
Edition Language: English
Series: Nursery Crime #1
Characters: Jack Spratt, Mary Mary
Setting: United Kingdom
Literary Awards: Lefty Award Nominee (2006)
Online Books Free The Big Over Easy (Nursery Crime #1) Download
The Big Over Easy (Nursery Crime #1) Paperback | Pages: 383 pages
Rating: 3.94 | 30141 Users | 2258 Reviews

Particularize Of Books The Big Over Easy (Nursery Crime #1)

Title:The Big Over Easy (Nursery Crime #1)
Author:Jasper Fforde
Book Format:Paperback
Book Edition:Deluxe Edition
Pages:Pages: 383 pages
Published:July 25th 2006 by Penguin (first published July 11th 2005)
Categories:Humor. Fantasy. Mystery. Fiction. Comedy. Science Fiction Fantasy. Adult

Representaion Supposing Books The Big Over Easy (Nursery Crime #1)

It's Easter in Reading—a bad time for eggs—and no one can remember the last sunny day. Ovoid D-class nursery celebrity Humpty Stuyvesant Van Dumpty III, minor baronet, ex-convict, and former millionaire philanthropist, is found shattered to death beneath a wall in a shabby area of town. All the evidence points to his ex-wife, who has conveniently shot herself. But Detective Inspector Jack Spratt and his assistant Mary Mary remain unconvinced, a sentiment not shared with their superiors at the Reading Police Department, who are still smarting over their failure to convict the Three Pigs of murdering Mr. Wolff. Before long Jack and Mary find themselves grappling with a sinister plot involving cross-border money laundering, bullion smuggling, problems with beanstalks, titans seeking asylum, and the cut and thrust world of international chiropody. And on top of all that, the JellyMan is coming to town . . .

Rating Of Books The Big Over Easy (Nursery Crime #1)
Ratings: 3.94 From 30141 Users | 2258 Reviews

Evaluation Of Books The Big Over Easy (Nursery Crime #1)
5 Things To Know Before Reading This Book1. It is a murder mystery.2. The victim is an enormous egg named Humpty Dumpty. (He fell off a wall or was pushed or possibly shot.)3. The detective investigating the crime is named Jack Spratt. His partner is Mary Mary.4. Jack and Mary work for the Nursery Crimes Division (NCD).5. You should brush up on your nursery rhymes and fairy tales before reading so as to fully enjoy the book. (It took me almost halfway through to dredge up the fact that Jacks

Was it an EGGcidentor cold-yoked murder? When Humpty Dumpty, local businessman and infamous lothario, is found dead beneath a wall outside his Grimms Road apartment, Detective Jack Spratt of the Reading (pronounced Redding) Nursery Crime Division (NCD) is called in to investigate. Jack is a smart, capable, no-fat eating investigator whose previous collars include the apprehensions of (i) serial wife-killer, Bluebeard, (ii) psychotic mass-murderer, The Gingerbread Man and (iii) a certain

This is my first experience with Jasper Fforde and I have to say I really enjoyed this book. I read this story out loud to my children. A few parts I said "kissing" instead of you know what. Overall very enjoyable, especially if you are old enough to know all the nursery rhymes. I grew up reading Mother Goose, so I knew them all. My 13 year old unfortunately skipped that book on his shelf teehee. I had to read the rhymes so he would know where the characters came from.If you didn't read the

Jasper Fforde, lover of slapstick and absurdity has another winner with this series of Nursery Rhyme crimes. Many of your favourite nursery rhyme character will appear in this humorous tale of the demise of big egg and womaniser Humpty Dumpty who fell off a wall - or was he pushed or shot or drugged or poisoned? Jack Spratt who likes his bacon lean and has accidently killed several giants (although he claims three of them were just very tall men) is an Inspector in the Nursery Crimes Division

I read this book several years ago, and so dont have a lot to say about it today. I reread it as part of my book club, but in the intervening years, the distance gave me some perspective that let me recognize or enjoy a few more jokes: * Charles Pewter, of The Diary of an Ordinary Man shows up in the book, with a couple funny jokes about his house. * Ive come to appreciate the vast number of goofs on the genre that Fforde perpetrates. I still particularly like the attention to what car Jack

This book just sucks you right in.  And I'm entirely sorry that I'd set it aside in my attempts to get some other books finished, because I should have just kept reading.  I most definitely would have finished it a lot earlier.Slow paced as it is, it's also a lot of fun to read, and the investigation kind of intriguing to follow, even though Jack is the worst at jumping to conclusions before gathering all his facts.  He's a great detective and all, you can see that, but I had to sigh at each

In case you were worried: No, Jasper Fforde has not run out of weird, twisted things to do to defenseless Literature.Jack Spratt, his second wife, and their five children (two his, two hers, one theirs) are living happily in Reading, England. Well, reasonably happily. Jack, a policeman, has the dubious honor of being the head of the Nursery Crimes unit. He and his tiny unit believe in the importance of their jobs, but no one else does. And they've just experienced the embarrassing, and more


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