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Original Title: Drown
ISBN: 1573226068 (ISBN13: 9781573226066)
Edition Language: English
Characters: Yunior de Las Casas
Setting: Dominican Republic New Jersey(United States)
Books Free Download Drown
Drown Paperback | Pages: 208 pages
Rating: 4.04 | 31306 Users | 2410 Reviews

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Author:Junot Díaz
Book Format:Paperback
Book Edition:First Edition
Pages:Pages: 208 pages
Published:July 1st 1997 by Riverhead Books (first published December 25th 1995)
Categories:Short Stories. Fiction. Contemporary. Literature. Literary Fiction. Adult Fiction. American

Explanation During Books Drown

With ten stories that move from the barrios of the Dominican Republic to the struggling urban communities of New Jersey, Junot Diaz makes his remarkable debut. Diaz's work is unflinching and strong, and these stories crackle with an electric sense of discovery. Diaz evokes a world in which fathers are gone, mothers fight with grim determination for their families and themselves, and the next generation inherits the casual cruelty, devastating ambivalence, and knowing humor of lives circumscribed by poverty and uncertainty. In Drown, Diaz has harnessed the rhythms of anger and release, frustration and joy, to indelible effect.

Rating Out Of Books Drown
Ratings: 4.04 From 31306 Users | 2410 Reviews

Assessment Out Of Books Drown
Full review to followHes an amazing writer but the story wasnt nearly as captivating as brief and wondrous life so I couldnt give it the full 4 stars.

This is a very strong debut collection. Díazs prose is a real pleasure to read, his characters are interesting and multi-dimensional, and his stories are well crafted. My favorites were perhaps Fiesta, 1980 and Negocios, but almost all of the stories were good to very good.The Brief Wondrous Life of Oscar Wao is one of my favorite Pulitzer winners of the 21st century. These ten stories don't deliver quite the same mix of humor and emotional punch that made Oscar Wao so special, but they are

The cursor keeps blinking at me, daring me to try and convey the magnitude of love I have for Diaz's writing but I can't...I'm a failure! Every story needs is filled with sentences/dialogue that are gaspably good. My fovorite sentence in the collection is from the story, How To Date a Brown Girl, Black Girl, White Girl or Halfie. It is as follows:"Run a hand through your hair, like the white boys do, even though the only thing that runs easily through your hair is Africa".See what I mean?!

4.5 starsI'm really amazed at Junot Diaz's ability to create such a richly imagined and realistic history of a fictional character. Yunior, the central character of most, if not all, of these short stories, appears in Diaz's other works, This Is How You Lose Her and The Brief Wondrous Life of Oscar Wao. I think this shows remarkable skill for a debut collection, and to have all this story built up in his mind that flows over into his other works is amazing.I definitely recommend starting with

After reading the first short story in Junot Diazs collection Drown, I went on to the internet to browse for reviews. To be frank, I didnt understand any of them. The reviews talk about issues of identity in the context of the immigrant experience and all that jazz. However the story still stuck with me despite my lack of knowledge of the Dominican Republic and the urban communities of New Jersey.The story is basically about two brothers, Rafa and Yunior who become fascinated by a boy named

WOW! Just freaking wow!!!I picked this book up because I enjoyed The Brief Wondrous Life of Oscar Wao. When I started to read it, I thought that this felt like a handful of failed starts to similar novels. But the further that I read into it, the more I realized what it was that Junot Diaz was doing, painting a complete picture out of multiple fractured pieces. The writing in this book is remarkably sparse, short with details and full of space where you are asked to interject your own

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