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Title:The Double Life of Zoe Flynn
Author:Janet Lee Carey
Book Format:Hardcover
Book Edition:First Edition
Pages:Pages: 233 pages
Published:June 22nd 2004 by Atheneum Books (first published January 1st 2004)
Categories:Young Adult. Childrens. Middle Grade. Social Issues. Poverty
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The Double Life of Zoe Flynn Hardcover | Pages: 233 pages
Rating: 3.77 | 200 Users | 29 Reviews

Description Concering Books The Double Life of Zoe Flynn

Zoe Flynn has a secret. She used to live in California, in a big old house -- the best house in the world really -- at 18 Hawk Road. It rambled and creaked and was full of good hiding places. She used to have a best friend named Kellen who lived right down the road, and a dog named Merlin who loved to play with her. But now she lives in a little town in Oregon, and everything has changed. Now, Zoe has to be careful. Careful that she doesn't tell anyone, not her friends or her teacher or especially that cop who's been watching her, that she doesn't live at 18 Hawk Road anymore. That now her family lives in an old green van that's cramped and dirty and doesn't even work all the time. Zoe's always hoping that someday she'll find her way back home.... Lyrically written by Janet Lee Carey, "The Double Life of Zoe Flynn" is a moving novel about hope, family, friendship, and the true definition of a home.

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Original Title: The Double Life of Zoe Flynn
ISBN: 0689856040 (ISBN13: 9780689856044)
Edition Language: English

Rating Appertaining To Books The Double Life of Zoe Flynn
Ratings: 3.77 From 200 Users | 29 Reviews

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~Things are never what they seem. Find the lost inside the dream ~ Janet Lee Carey is the award-winning author of nine Children's and YA novels. Her YA fantasy is critically acclaimed: "Verdict: This is quite simply fantasy at its bestoriginal, beautiful, amazing, and deeply moving. School Library Journal starred review. Janet links each new book with a charitable organization empowering readers

because I was very young when I first saw you ... 06/06/2007 right! i finished read this book at senior high school, i know this book from Mr.simple :) This book made me dream of such zoe, not with family but with Mr.simple .. dreams that disturb me a whole week until I returned the book to him, "u like?" I just nodded, and ran after say thank you. I throw all my dreams and I never want to deal with he again, I feel so stupid at the time, always been met with the wrong people all of it because I

Two disclaimers. First, I know the the author. Secondly, this book touches a subject near and dear to my heart. Zoe's family, like so other American families, must leave their home and travel to find new jobs and a place to live. The writing is beautiful and the plot unpredictable and intriguing. I found myself worrying during the day about what was going to happen to Zoe. How could she ever make friends and still keep her secret?

This is one of my favorite books of all time. It is so realistic and down to earth. It's about this girl named Zoe and she moves and becomes homeless. Janet Lee Carey is my favorite author!!

Terkadang.. hidup itu berjalan ga sesuai dengan yang kita inginkan.. di kala angin perubahan menerpa kehidupan kita, bagaimana respon kita dalam menyikapinya?Mari bertemu dengan Zoe yang merasa kehidupannya yang nyaman dijungkirbalikkan di kala orangtuanya memutuskan untuk pindah dari kota tempat mereka tinggal selama ini. Tak hanya harus meninggalkan sahabat, teman2 sekolah dan segala kenyamanan, Zoe menjalani kehidupan baru dengan tinggal dalam mobil van!!Review selengkapnya :

Zoe Flynn was a girl who had to leave a place that she had been for her entire life. Her parents gave up everything that they owned to live in a van. Zoe thinks of ways to leave her new life and go back to her old. Then one day she thinks of this awesome idea to spend all of her work money and travel a day or so back to her home. When she gets there everything has changed. Her best friend finds a new friend that she promised she wouldn't make friends with. Zoe decides to hide in their backyard

I thought this book was good because it had an interesting plot and a interesting characters.

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