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Title:Summer in the City
Author:Elizabeth Chandler
Book Format:Paperback
Book Edition:Deluxe Edition
Pages:Pages: 358 pages
Published:June 27th 2006 by HarperTeen
Categories:Young Adult. Romance. Womens Fiction. Chick Lit. Contemporary. Sports
Books Free Download Summer in the City  Online
Summer in the City Paperback | Pages: 358 pages
Rating: 3.97 | 4953 Users | 161 Reviews

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Athletic Jamie isn't sure about spending the summer in the city with her romance–novel–writing mum. But when she meets irresistible Josh, Jamie realizes she could probably use all the romance advice she can get! Lacrosse camp 9 a.m.–noon (can't be late! "Coach" Josh will freak out) Basketball camp 1:00–4:00 (so many screaming kids. . . ) Shopping with Mona 4:30 (finally a break) Date with Andrew 7:30 (he's so perfect. . . isn't he?)

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Original Title: Summer in the City
ISBN: 0060847344 (ISBN13: 9780060847340)
Edition Language: English

Rating Appertaining To Books Summer in the City
Ratings: 3.97 From 4953 Users | 161 Reviews

Judgment Appertaining To Books Summer in the City
One pinkish itsy-bitsy novel, quite light to be read fastly enough even for a non english native speaker.Had that something that usually most of the romance novels lack of.Even though, after this, romance can go and suck a big one for a while.

Love at first sight. Believe in it? No? You'll see.THIS ONE DID IT! Where do I begin? Uhm okay lets see from the start:Jamie Carvelli: the tall, sexy legged, sassy, funny, hopelessly-romantic chick.That's right, I loved this girl too. For one, I could relate with that want-some-romance part and because she had gazillion guy friends but couldn't find 'the one'. Yet."But your secret is a woman, and mine is a novel by Nora Roberts hidden beneath the cover of Competing in a Triathlon.""Why couldnt I

No doubt in the five stars!I am such a sucker for these kinds of stories. It's so cute, an I got a lot of moments when I always said awe! This is such a romantic comedy. There were a lot of laughs because of the different personalities of the characters.My favorite part has to be the revelation :) I felt so good to have predicted it. And I totally didn't expect how the whole novel got wrapped up. I got the numbness feeling of imagining a fairy tale romance. I'd like a Baltimore Hon like that. He

This was a disappointing read for me because it was so very similar to another of Elizabeth Chandler's books, I Do. There is a Pride & Prejudice vibe happening throughout the book (mixed in with a lot of sports and summer camp itinerary), which I enjoyed, but it really echoed too closely to I Do, which I read earlier this year. Even the one-on-one lacrosse challenge was nearly the exact same scene in both books. While there were cute moments here, the story felt so rehashed that I have to

I only read this book now because I liked an older book from this author. one she wrote a long time ago, and I was very disappointed.THE STORY The beginning started great, typical "Oh no I'm stuck doing.....for the summer...bummer" which I don't mind. The way she met her "Hon" and fell in love; the really hot poet who just wasn't right; the poker faced Coach Josh who seemed annoyed to be stuck with the "girl jock"; and even "the bet" which kind of ticked me off at first but ended up okay....ALL

This was quite an enjoyable book. Very much fluff, but that was just what I was looking for, or rather just what I happened to find in this book, and just what I needed at the time. The plot was limited. The characters 1 dimensional, at best. All in all, the only reason this gets such a high rating was because in spite of all of that, or maybe because of it - it was just plain fun to read. I happened across this one in a little free library and picked it up because of how beat up it was. I

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