Free Memnoch the Devil (The Vampire Chronicles #5) Books Online

Free Memnoch the Devil (The Vampire Chronicles #5) Books Online
Memnoch the Devil (The Vampire Chronicles #5) Hardcover | Pages: 354 pages
Rating: 3.75 | 73562 Users | 1586 Reviews

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Original Title: Memnoch The Devil
ISBN: 096319254X (ISBN13: 9780963192547)
Edition Language: English
Series: The Vampire Chronicles #5
Characters: Lestat de Lioncourt

Explanation As Books Memnoch the Devil (The Vampire Chronicles #5)

In the fifth Vampire Chronicle, Lestat is searching for Dora, the beautiful and charismatic mortal daughter of a drug lord. Dora has moved Lestat like no other mortal ever has, and he cannot get her out of his visions. At the same time, he is increasingly aware that the Devil knows who he is and wants something from him. While torn betwen his vampire world and his passion for Dora, Lestat is sucked in by Memnoch, who claims to be the Devil himself. Memnoch presents Lestat with unimagined opportunities: to witness creation, to visit purgatory, to be treated like a prophet. Lestat faces a choice between the Devil or God. Whom does he believe in? Who does he serve? What are the element of religious belief? Lestat finds himself caught in a whirlpool of the ultimate choice

Point Regarding Books Memnoch the Devil (The Vampire Chronicles #5)

Title:Memnoch the Devil (The Vampire Chronicles #5)
Author:Anne Rice
Book Format:Hardcover
Book Edition:Limited Edition
Pages:Pages: 354 pages
Published:March 1999 by B E Trice Pub (first published July 3rd 1995)
Categories:Horror. Fantasy. Paranormal. Vampires. Fiction

Rating Regarding Books Memnoch the Devil (The Vampire Chronicles #5)
Ratings: 3.75 From 73562 Users | 1586 Reviews

Commentary Regarding Books Memnoch the Devil (The Vampire Chronicles #5)
This was the last Anne Rice book that I ever personally plan to read, because after reading this I went into a three month fit of depression.The events in this book were just so powerful and terrible in some cases that my mind couldn't take it. While I'm not going to say that I wouldn't recommend the book to people, I would at least put up the warning that a person may want to be weary about it if they aren't of any particular religion. Also, by the end of the book, Lestat had changed in many

I was initially horrified with the premise of this book as part of the Vampire Chronicles I expected that it would be another tale of vampirism, or of Lestat, but instead it focuses mainly on the story of Creation and the great misunderstanding between God and the Devil which leads to the Devil ruling over Hell as related by Memnoch (the aforementioned Devil) to Lestat in a journey of earth, Heaven and Hell. I wouldnt normally choose a book that focuses so much on religion (unless as an

5.0 stars. Except for The Queen of the Damned, this may be my favorite installment of the Vampire Chronicles. I loved the descriptions of both heaven and hell and the arguments between Lestat and Memnoch regarding the nature of good and evil. Highly Recommended!!!

MEMNOCH THE DEVIL is a brilliant reinvention of good and evil. I still think about this book 18 years after I read it. One of my all time favorites. Rice was at the top of her game here.

At the time that I read this book I was an agnostic, pagan, ex-catholic, confused about religion person. Anne Rice's technique and passion is so persuasive that I was a true believer after reading this book. And this was before she converted back to Catholicism! She is just so powerful, her narrative technique is, I want to say, loving towards her reader. I think her love for the characters she's created makes that happen. Anyway, this one is a must for followers of the chronicles and fans of

Memnoch the Devil takes Lestat on an extremely long tour of the past, creation, angels, evolution, the passion of Christ and more because he has a job proposition for the Brat PrinceMemnoch the Devil, also known as the Bible according to Anne Rice or Anne Rices theological musings. Perhaps even Memnoch lectures you endlessly while Lestat practices his melodrama.What it isnt, is much of a story or a plot. For a story or a plot to happen, well, things have to happen. Things do not happen. Oh

Just when I thought that this series couldnt get any deeper, MEMNOCH THE DEVIL became the next book to read in this incredibly deep, rich and complex vampire mythology. I had previously heard from some reviewers that the previous book in this series, THE TALE OF THE BODY THEIF, is where the series begins to take a turn for the worse and that this book is where it all bottomed out and became virtually unreadable and to those reviewers I ask: Did we read the same books??If those reviewers were

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