Books Manhattan Transfer Download Free

Books Manhattan Transfer  Download Free
Manhattan Transfer Paperback | Pages: 342 pages
Rating: 3.68 | 4547 Users | 391 Reviews

Identify Appertaining To Books Manhattan Transfer

Title:Manhattan Transfer
Author:John Dos Passos
Book Format:Paperback
Book Edition:Special Edition
Pages:Pages: 342 pages
Published:September 2nd 2003 by Mariner Books (first published 1925)
Categories:Fiction. Classics. Literature. American. New York. 20th Century. The United States Of America. Novels

Ilustration To Books Manhattan Transfer

Considered by many to be John Dos Passos's greatest work, Manhattan Transfer is an "expressionistic picture of New York" (New York Times) in the 1920s that reveals the lives of wealthy power brokers and struggling immigrants alike. From Fourteenth Street to the Bowery, Delmonico's to the underbelly of the city waterfront, Dos Passos chronicles the lives of characters struggling to become a part of modernity before they are destroyed by it. More than seventy-five years after its first publication, Manhattan Transfer still stands as "a novel of the very first importance" (Sinclair Lewis). It is a masterpiece of modern fiction and a lasting tribute to the dual-edged nature of the American dream.

Present Books Supposing Manhattan Transfer

Original Title: Manhattan Transfer
ISBN: 0618381864 (ISBN13: 9780618381869)
Edition Language: English
Setting: New York City, New York(United States)

Rating Appertaining To Books Manhattan Transfer
Ratings: 3.68 From 4547 Users | 391 Reviews

Assessment Appertaining To Books Manhattan Transfer
Funny, bloated socialist pamphlet masquerading as experimental Modernist novel. Gain and drops characters at will, as New York does. A portrait of a city in the pangs of rebirth. Pretty images and a memorable ensemble (we will always love you, Emile!).

Hopeless MigrationNew York City was, perhaps still is, defined not so much geographically as spiritually by the unfulfilled aspirations of the people who migrate to it. And those migrants historically have come as much from the American hinterland as they have from across the ocean. Manhattan Tranfer was a stop on the Pennsylvania Railroad in Newark, New Jersey before the tunnel under the Hudson connecting the mainline to Manhattan was completed. Once you arrived there, you had nowhere else to

"There are lives to be lived if only you didn't care."I have to stop comparing books and authors (or at least stop doing it as superficially as I do) but I can't help it with this 1925 expressionist montage of many lives clinging to Manhattan, sinking or swimming, giving up, going on, changing their names, caring for all the wrong things (apparently), battered by luck and buffeted by economics, war and desire. The bottom line is (I think) the randomness of our lives, and how little New York

It might be difficult to understand this novel if you've never lived in a large city. Dos Passos captures the chaos and disorientation of trying to survive in an urban battlefield, with all its violence, interruptions, temptations, anonymity, stimuli, and speed by writing in a still experimental modern style of cut-ups, fragments, and stream of consciousness. Manhattan Transfer's ferociously exciting to read, not only because it so accurately represents the physical sensations of modernity in

This is the most readable "experimental" novel I've encountered, actually a "page-turner" with a variety of interesting plots, believable characters, and a vivid portrait of Manhattan. There are techniques more commonly used in film: events presented from several different viewpoints; similar events repeated and juxtaposed like the fires, ship dockings, or sunrises; characters whose social positions reverse (eerily like Proust, whose novels cover the same time period); and the quick passage

Dos Passos' "modernism" sometimes feels like it consists of two main devices: first, all two word phrases that would ordinarily be printed as separate or hyphenated words are printed as one, creating a lot of Germanic constructions like "orangerinds", "handwinches", "manuresmelling", "leadentired" (those are all on the first page) - the other is, not delineating the start of a new section (and the change from one set of characters to another) by anything so obvious as a chapter division, instead

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