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Original Title: Ardiente paciencia
ISBN: 0786881275 (ISBN13: 9780786881277)
Edition Language: English
Free Download Books The Postman
The Postman Paperback | Pages: 128 pages
Rating: 3.71 | 10483 Users | 1306 Reviews

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The Postman (Il Postino) is a bittersweet tale of first love ignited by the power and passion of Pablo Neruda's timeless poetry. Unlike the other men of his village, Mario balks at the prospect of life as a fisherman, choosing instead to become the postman for a beautiful island, just off the mainland. Although the island has a number of inhabitants, Mario has only one postal customer, the only literate resident, who is also Chile's most beloved poet, Pablo Neruda, who is living in exile. The friendship between the postman and the poet blossoms, Mario begs Neruda for advice on how best to woo the voluptuous young barmaid, Beatriz, with whom Mario has fallen in love. As Neruda tutors him in the finer lessons of love, Mario discovers that he too has a gift for poetry. Soon the island air is thick with the exchange of sensuous metaphors.

Declare Appertaining To Books The Postman

Title:The Postman
Author:Antonio Skármeta
Book Format:Paperback
Book Edition:First Edition
Pages:Pages: 128 pages
Published:June 1st 1995 by Miramax Books (first published 1985)
Categories:Fiction. Romance. Novels. European Literature. Spanish Literature. Literature. Cultural. Latin American. Classics

Rating Appertaining To Books The Postman
Ratings: 3.71 From 10483 Users | 1306 Reviews

Evaluation Appertaining To Books The Postman
I like the writing style and the humor of Antonio Skarmeta, but I don't understand the purpose of this book. Is it about love, Pablo Neruda, or Chilean politics of the 1970s? I feel like it wants to be all three but never really achieves any of them. It's a good book but not a great one. I like Mario and the character of Pablo Neruda, and the descriptions of Isla Negra are beautiful. I agree with some of the other reviews on here, though, that there could have been more to the story. I probably

It's been so long since I've read Pablo Neruda's poems, my favorite of which goes like this: Tonight I can write the saddest lines. I loved her, and sometimes she loved me too. I must admit though that for all its beauty and truth, a poem a day is not enough for me---I prefer reading the letters of John Keats for that needed calm and serenity and if that wasn't enough, I just write prose myself. But for Mario Jimenez, the Postman and fated poet and lover in this book, poetry is his saving

Readathon Category #56: A book by a South American author

Happy New Year 2020 to all my good reads friends. For the second year in a row I have set my goodreads reading challenge to one book. Reading is supposed to be fun and provide an escape from whatever is going on in ones life at the moment. Even a lengthy nonfiction history book when told by a master can read like a story and can lead to hours of joyful reading. I want my reading to be stress free and not a slave to a challenge that tells me that I am either ten books behind or ahead of schedule.

Happy New Year 2020 to all my good reads friends. For the second year in a row I have set my goodreads reading challenge to one book. Reading is supposed to be fun and provide an escape from whatever is going on in ones life at the moment. Even a lengthy nonfiction history book when told by a master can read like a story and can lead to hours of joyful reading. I want my reading to be stress free and not a slave to a challenge that tells me that I am either ten books behind or ahead of schedule.

A small book that is both humorous and poignant. A mix of Neruda's poetry and the wooing of a young girl by the young man who delivers the mail to him. Neruda, of course get involved. Politics and the Allende government play a significant toll towards the end. Don't think I will ever think of metaphors in quite the same way.

Really 2.5Sometimes a short novel or novella can seamlessly pack a lot in and sometimes it can be a hodgepodge that tries to do so and fails. Such was my take on the Postman. Was it a romance? A statement on poetry? A story of Chile under Allende and then Pinochet? There were some delightful discussions on metaphor between young Mario, the towns postal carrier whose only patron who can read is supposedly Neruda, and the poet. Mario falls head over heels in love with the well-bosomed Beatriz who

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