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Title:The Fisherman's Lady
Author:George MacDonald
Book Format:Paperback
Book Edition:Phillips Redaction
Pages:Pages: 278 pages
Published:1991 by Bethany House Publishers (first published 1875)
Categories:Fiction. Christian Fiction. Historical. Historical Fiction. Classics. Christian
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The Fisherman's Lady Paperback | Pages: 278 pages
Rating: 4.22 | 1452 Users | 78 Reviews

Narrative Conducive To Books The Fisherman's Lady

I have wanted to return to these MacDonald novels for years now and finally read this one again. It is the story of Malcolm. How does it hold up? At first I didn’t think I was going to like it again at all. I did not enjoy the old piper’s ravings and I remembered being endeared to him before. In the end I found myself anxious to pick up The Marquis Secret which is a sequel to this one. These novels are rambling diversions with forays of great depth. I especially loved the “witnessing” conversation between Mr. Graham and the old Marquis.

Details Books As The Fisherman's Lady

Original Title: Malcolm
ISBN: 0871231972 (ISBN13: 9780871231970)
Edition Language: English
Characters: Malcolm MacPhail
Setting: Scotland

Rating Appertaining To Books The Fisherman's Lady
Ratings: 4.22 From 1452 Users | 78 Reviews

Weigh Up Appertaining To Books The Fisherman's Lady
George MacDonald is probably my favorite author. C. S. Lewis says about his books: "I never wrote a book in which I did not quote George MacDonald." This story shows, like many of his books do, the presence of God in the lives of the characters. I always learn something about God and His relationship to me when I read his books.

This was my first George Macdonald book and I ordered it from Amazon after having it recommended by a friend. I did not know this was an abridged version until just now. Macdonald does a really good job at keeping you in suspense. It is an adventure to travel alongside Malcolm as he discovers who his biological family is. Through all the ups and downs, Malcolm continues to be a humble man. I agree that this was not a romance in the form that we think of romances today. Sure, Malcolm was

Dear Christian Romance Writers,THIS is what you need to be reading. MacDonald combines some of the great in all genres, offers some fabulous spiritual truths, and creates a charming male hero who is strong and Godly without alienating the reader. It's pure genius. True, he is overtly fond of the adjective "manly"...but why shouldn't manly become more of our vocabulary? Why shouldn't there be a wholesome hero? Its encouraging and should be taken note of.Loved The Fisherman's Lady. I can't wait to

I have wanted to return to these MacDonald novels for years now and finally read this one again. It is the story of Malcolm. How does it hold up? At first I didnt think I was going to like it again at all. I did not enjoy the old pipers ravings and I remembered being endeared to him before. In the end I found myself anxious to pick up The Marquis Secret which is a sequel to this one. These novels are rambling diversions with forays of great depth. I especially loved the witnessing conversation

I would have rated it five stars except for a twist at the end that destroyed my ship. (WHY. THAT WAS SO CRUEL.) Otherwise, I absolutely adored it, from its old-fashioned writing style, to its memorable characters, and its quaint, beautiful setting. Malcom is the best. Just sayin'. ♥I'm hoping the next book measures up--and makes up for this one's disappointment!

This is my second MacDonald book. I love the characters, especially the truthful and gentlemanly Malcolm.MacDonald writes in a way that you would want to emulate his best characters. That would eventually lead to the emulation of Jesus Christ, who is the way, the truth and the life.He writes of the good old days, when one could sit by the fire and read a good book. His characters are all human in nature, not one seems superhuman. The plots are simple and yet intriguing. I had difficulty guessing

A good ol' Gothic novel with all kinds of lost identities and locked doors and all the rest of it. Plus it's got a strong, fun Scotch streak to give it extra flavor. If you're reading MacDonald, it's probably because you're a C.S. Lewis fan, and you won't be disappointed in this one-- not as spectacular allegorically, but with all the spiritual iron, so to speak, you'll find in the best of Lewis.

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