Free Download Communion: A True Story (Communion #1) Books

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Original Title: Communion
ISBN: 0380703882 (ISBN13: 9780380703883)
Edition Language: English URL
Series: Communion #1
Characters: Whitley Strieber
Setting: United States of America
Free Download Communion: A True Story (Communion #1) Books
Communion: A True Story (Communion #1) Paperback | Pages: 320 pages
Rating: 3.49 | 4883 Users | 488 Reviews

Narration During Books Communion: A True Story (Communion #1)

On December 26, 1985, at a secluded cabin in upstate New York, Whitley Strieber went siding with his wife and son, ate Christmas dinner leftovers, and went to bed early. Six hours later, he found himself suddenly awake...and forever changed. Thus begins the most astonishing true-life odyssey ever recorded -- one man's riveting account of his extraordinary experiences with visitors from"elsewhere"... how they found him, where they took him, what they did to him and why... Believe it. Or don't believe it. But read it -- for this gripping story will move you like no other... will fascinate you, terrify you, and alter the way you experience your world.

Specify Epithetical Books Communion: A True Story (Communion #1)

Title:Communion: A True Story (Communion #1)
Author:Whitley Strieber
Book Format:Paperback
Book Edition:Anniversary Edition
Pages:Pages: 320 pages
Published:February 1st 1988 by Avon (first published January 1st 1987)
Categories:Nonfiction. Horror. Fantasy. Paranormal. Science Fiction. Aliens

Rating Epithetical Books Communion: A True Story (Communion #1)
Ratings: 3.49 From 4883 Users | 488 Reviews

Crit Epithetical Books Communion: A True Story (Communion #1)
Obviously, it is easy to be skeptical when reading a fantastical account such as this. I am not a skeptic for the sake of being skeptical. However, there are a few important facts that you ought to know before diving into this.1. Strieber was a science-fiction writer before he wrote Communion.2. Strieber had sat in on several meetings with abductees prior to writing the book.3. Since writing this, Strieber has made what some would consider to be an attempt to construct a new-age religion out of

When my nephew was about ten years old, he insists he was visited by aliens. He says he woke up in the middle of the night with a bright orb coming through his bedroom window. Then nothing. The next thing he remembers is being in his parents bedroom trying to wake them up to warn them - but nothing would wake them. Next morning, the foot of his bed and bedroom floor were drenched. His mother asked him for an explanation and he told her the events of the previous night. Naturally she didn't

Honestly, I don't do the whole aliens thing at all, but the cover of this book used to freak me out as a kid (and a bit residually as an adult) so I decided to see what was inside.Alright, about fifty pages into this book I started to realize what direction this book was heading in. The author clearly believed that what he experienced was real and from there made a concerted effort to present facts and statements to support his belief rather than to draw objective conclusions, which is precisely

I have never read an Abduction/ UFO study book before. I picked this book up at a record shop on tour on the east coast this year. It's been out for a long time and I remember what a splash it made upon its initial release. I also used to listen to Strieber's radio show in Santa Cruz on AM while delivering pizza's around town on Saturday nights. Communion was so much more than i expected. For one, Strieber is coming to this book as a writing talent so the book reads very eloquently, like that of

My cousin who is an oddity had this book at a family reunion about 7 years ago. Myself and my brothers asked him about it because we are avid readers and were interested. His copy was a hardcover and he had removed the dust jacket probably at the request of his mother so all we actually saw was a white book with the word "Communion" on the side. He looked us dead in the eyes individually and said "it's not the communion you're thinking" and walked away with his book to hide under a tree. Well

Scary as hell! I read this book with the thought that it might be interesting because there is a film based on the book. I also felt that perhaps it was a tale that had been woven of partial truths. However, I walked away shaken by the reality I gleaned from the pages of Communion. Some readers may not rate this book quite as high. After all it's not a work of literary genius but it kept me glued to the story and most of all I rated 5 stars because I think folks should take notice of this story!

Couldn't finish it. Life is too short.

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