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Books Online Free Crushed (Rushed #2) Download
Crushed (Rushed #2) Kindle Edition | Pages: 221 pages
Rating: 3.98 | 165 Users | 25 Reviews

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Edition Language: English
Series: Rushed #2, Jet City College #5

Commentary Supposing Books Crushed (Rushed #2)

Some loves can't be… Crushed Morgan Have you ever done something stupid? Like get drunk and hookup with a guy because your heart was broken by someone else? Like his best friend. And then done something really dumb, like fall in love with your hookup? Hookups aren't stick-around guys. I'm hoping Dakota will be different. But hoping has gotten me in trouble before. Dakota The absolute last girl I want to see in my court-ordered alcohol and drug information school, the girl who landed me here in the first place, walks in. After we hooked up, I thought I'd gotten Morgan out of my system. So why is my pulse racing? I can't afford to screw up right now. I know I should avoid her. Morgan has a way of messing up my life. But she's the only one who understands.

Mention Containing Books Crushed (Rushed #2)

Title:Crushed (Rushed #2)
Author:Gina Robinson
Book Format:Kindle Edition
Book Edition:1
Pages:Pages: 221 pages
Published:October 20th 2014 by Amazon Publishing (first published October 1st 2014)
Categories:New Adult. Romance. Young Adult

Rating Containing Books Crushed (Rushed #2)
Ratings: 3.98 From 165 Users | 25 Reviews

Notice Containing Books Crushed (Rushed #2)
I received a complimentary e-copy of Crushed in exchange for an honest review. I had previously read Rushed, book 1 in the Rushed series, so I wanted to see what was happening next in the sorority house. Crushed focuses on Morgan, and her frenemy relationship ship with Dakota. Morgan and Dakota each find themselves in front of a judicial committee, stemming from the drunken night where Morgan had passed out on the ground behind Dakota's girl and he almost ran her over, instead injuring Zach.

Finally! I've been waiting for this one since I'd finished Rushed. The only teaser I got was the next book will be about a surprising couple and I have high hopes that it will be about Morgan! I have this crazy thing with the "bitches" of the story. I always believed that there is a story behind every bitchiness. So I am really excited with this book.Crushed is about the "bitch" of double deltsies, Morgan, and the Tau Psi president, Dakota. Being caught up in a tragedy and got stuck with the

Copy provided by author for honest reviewShort quick read. This was a nice addition to the series. Morgan wand Dakota get their story. In book one Morgan was the girl everyone hated. It is very hard to feel good about the mean girl. The author did a very good job in showing her good side. She was very likable and you pull for her and Dakota. the slow buildup to their romance was very appealing. They went from friends to lovers and everything in between. I have enjoyed this series so far and look

Overall I liked this book it just took me a while to get going and to get used to the whole delta Greek mythology which was used.Ok so the story of Morgan and Dakota Morgan at the beginning I literally couldn't stand her she was cold callous and honestly a bitch but once you strip back the layers and dig a little deeper you see the real Morgan,who like any girl is insecure and really just wants to be loved so her and Dakota are sworn enemies and come together during adis a few sessions mild

I love this series so much.. Such a great story.. I love Morgan and Dak.. So much!!! On to the 3rd book

Morgan and Dakota's story start out way different than any story we've ever heard. It starts with him almost running her over. When because of their alcohol level being so high they were forced to take a alcohol class together, they were practically enemies for the simple fact that she liked his friend and he was in love with her, had been since freshman year. What started out as enemies turned into what you would call frenemies and sobriety buddies so they could help each other make it to their

** 3.5 Stars **What do most kids look forward to most when they go to college? It is the higher learning process? Is it the independence from their families? Is it to better themselves for the future? Well maybe. But, I think most kids go to college for the Party Experience, the fraternities and sororities, and freedom to do whatever they want. Most kids manage to get the experiences they want and reap the benefits of a college education. They become responsible adults and look back on their

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