Books A Very Large Expanse of Sea Online Free Download

Books A Very Large Expanse of Sea  Online Free Download
A Very Large Expanse of Sea Hardcover | Pages: 310 pages
Rating: 4.24 | 24843 Users | 5364 Reviews

Itemize Containing Books A Very Large Expanse of Sea

Title:A Very Large Expanse of Sea
Author:Tahereh Mafi
Book Format:Hardcover
Book Edition:First Edition
Pages:Pages: 310 pages
Published:October 16th 2018 by HarperTeen
Categories:Young Adult. Contemporary. Romance. Fiction

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It’s 2002, a year after 9/11. It’s an extremely turbulent time politically, but especially so for someone like Shirin, a sixteen-year-old Muslim girl who’s tired of being stereotyped. Shirin is never surprised by how horrible people can be. She’s tired of the rude stares, the degrading comments - even the physical violence - she endures as a result of her race, her religion, and the hijab she wears every day. So she’s built up protective walls and refuses to let anyone close enough to hurt her. Instead, she drowns her frustrations in music and spends her afternoons break-dancing with her brother. But then she meets Ocean James. He’s the first person in forever who really seems to want to get to know Shirin. It terrifies her - they seem to come from two irreconcilable worlds - and Shirin has had her guard up for so long that she’s not sure she’ll ever be able to let it down.

Define Books During A Very Large Expanse of Sea

Original Title: A Very Large Expanse of Sea
ISBN: 0062866567 (ISBN13: 9780062866561)
Edition Language: English
Literary Awards: National Book Award Nominee for Young People's Literature (2018), Goodreads Choice Award Nominee for Young Adult Fiction (2018), NAACP Image Award Nominee for Youth/Teens (2019)

Rating Containing Books A Very Large Expanse of Sea
Ratings: 4.24 From 24843 Users | 5364 Reviews

Criticism Containing Books A Very Large Expanse of Sea
Yall mind if I cry because if youd told 16 year-old me that one day Ill read a NYT best-selling book where a Muslim Hijabi teen gets her own coming of age story and her own big romance instead of being the token (stereotyped) minority character or some cultural prop used only to further the writers favorite white girlit would have made a world of difference. So, whats this book about? Shirin could scarcely remember what her life had been like, back before the events of 9/11 had made of it the

This book was EVERYTHING. I posted a mini review on my blog, you can check it out HERE!I thought I understood white privilege but this book.. THIS BOOK checked my ass real quick. I dont even have words. Please just do yourself a favor and add it to your TBR immediately. Full review to come closer to release date!UMMM I REALLY NEED THIS YOU GUYS.#OwnVoicesForTheWinTahereh, darling, you are SLAYING 2018. What did we do to deserve you?

Definitely not a bad book, just not my cup of tea.

Im a white girl. I know the privilege the color of my skin gives me. Sometimes people stare at me, I can feel their eyes on me while crossing the street. It happens once in a lifetime and it gives me shivers. I dont know why they do it, but I know they arent commenting the color of my skin, they are not assuming my culture or my religion. I dont get racist comments, never had, never will. This book was a punch in the stomach. And if it was a punch in the stomach for me, a girl who never has gone

Yall mind if I cry because if youd told 16 year-old me that one day Ill read a NYT best-selling book where a Muslim Hijabi teen gets her own coming of age story and her own big romance instead of being the token (stereotyped) minority character or some cultural prop used only to further the writers favorite white girlit would have made a world of difference. So, whats this book about? Shirin could scarcely remember what her life had been like, back before the events of 9/11 had made of it the

This review and other non-spoilery reviews can be found @The Book PrescriptionActual Rating: 3.5 stars I was stuck in another small town, trapped in another universe populated by the kind of people whod only ever seen faces like mine on their evening news, and I hated it.🌟 I should start this review by making one point very clear: I am an Arab Muslim Palestinian guy, so I do understand this book more than most readers will.🌟 I like that Tahereh is trying all different kid of things like MG and

Tahereh Mafi better write more YA contemporary romance novels in the future because this one was absolutely moving and memorable. Its been a long time since I fell so hard for a YA love interest but Ocean was just EVERYTHING. Oh my goodness. Its both an uplifting and saddening story at times. Its beautiful and makes you believe in true love, but the heroine experiences racism throughout the story and the constant need to educate people weighs on her. Theres a bit too much angst for me to give it

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