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Title:Dear Life, You Suck
Author:Scott Blagden
Book Format:Hardcover
Book Edition:First Edition
Pages:Pages: 310 pages
Published:March 26th 2013 by HMH Books for Young Readers
Categories:Young Adult. Contemporary. Realistic Fiction. Romance. Humor. Coming Of Age. Teen
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Dear Life, You Suck Hardcover | Pages: 310 pages
Rating: 3.74 | 1169 Users | 183 Reviews

Representaion Supposing Books Dear Life, You Suck

“The shrinkadinks think I have a screw loose. Ain’t playing with a full deck. Whacked-out wiring. Missing marbles.” Irreverent, foulmouthed seventeen-year-old Cricket is the oldest ward in a Catholic boys’ home in Maine—and his life sucks. With prospects for the future that range from professional fighter to professional drug dealer, he seems doomed to a life of “criminal rapscallinity.” In fact, things look so bleak that Cricket can’t help but wonder if his best option is one final cliff dive into the great unknown. But then Wynona Bidaban steps into his world, and Cricket slowly realizes that maybe, just maybe, life doesn’t totally suck.

Specify Books Conducive To Dear Life, You Suck

Original Title: Dear Life, You Suck
ISBN: 0547904312 (ISBN13: 9780547904313)
Edition Language: English
Characters: Cricket Cherpin, Wynona Bidaban
Setting: Maine(United States)

Rating Out Of Books Dear Life, You Suck
Ratings: 3.74 From 1169 Users | 183 Reviews

Criticize Out Of Books Dear Life, You Suck
I loved this book. Its about our roughed up orphan, Cricket, trying to make his life through high school. Since he is the only 17 year old kid at the orphanage he doesnt have many friends, drinks, does some drugs, and gets in fights constantly. The only thing he has closest to parents is the head of the orphanage, Mother Mary and the Caretaker of the orphanage. The main plot starts to escalate when he sees some of the other orphans being bullied by the main football jock. Cricket ends the fight

I wanted so badly to love this book and I just couldn't do it.I will admit that part of this problem is likely the fact that I am neither a teenager nor a boy, so instead of finding Cricket clever, I mostly just found him obnoxious. But then he'd do something completely sweet and I would like him...but then he'd go out of his way to be an even bigger creep than before, so then I'd hate him again.To be fair, I know a lot of it has to do with his backstory (two awful parents and a dead little

If the title isn't enough to convince you to pick this book up, then this might not be the book for you. But trust me: you're missing out on a real gem. Scott Blagden's debut novel DEAR LIFE, YOU SUCK is the story of Cricket, who is about to age out of the boys' home he lives in.Cricket is an amazing narrator. His voice is absolutely absorbing, and plot relevant! He's definitely a teenager, and shoots himself in the foot sometimes. (I absolutely adored one scene where he realizes his actions

Where do books like this come from? Can anyone answer me that? Huh?

Theres something to be said for reading a contemporary book that it seems hasnt yet been widely reviewed by other book bloggers. I feel a bit like an explorer right now. Dear Life, You Suck is a debut novel by Scott Blagden. Set in Maine, Dear Life, You Suck follows Cricket Cherpin who has a depressing back story and a not-so bright future. When a new girl steps into Crickets life, he realizes that it does not have to suck, that in fact there might just be happiness in store for him despite the

Scott Blagden has created a snarky, cynical and irreverent voice with Cricket Cherpin. He has been living in an orphanage run by nuns for the greater part of his childhood and is now on the verge of turning 18. As his 18th birthday nears, Cricket must make some life decisions. Unfortunately, the only thing he is good at is using his fists. His past has left him full of guilt and a wall around his heart. It isnt until an interest of a girl and a near fatal accident that Cricket finally realizes

The lack of an original story doesn't matter so much when the book makes you laugh every step of the way. Predictable, with too much sentimental bs at times, but definitely one of the funniest I've ever read.

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