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Original Title: Le Concile de pierre
ISBN: 2253172162 (ISBN13: 9782253172161)
Edition Language: French URL
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Le Concile de pierre Mass Market Paperback | Pages: 413 pages
Rating: 3.58 | 2996 Users | 79 Reviews

Specify Based On Books Le Concile de pierre

Title:Le Concile de pierre
Author:Jean-Christophe Grangé
Book Format:Mass Market Paperback
Book Edition:Special Edition
Pages:Pages: 413 pages
Published:February 13th 2002 by Le Livre de Poche (first published 2000)
Categories:Thriller. Fiction. Mystery. Crime

Interpretation Supposing Books Le Concile de pierre

Un enfant venu du bout du monde dont le passé mystérieux resurgit peu à peu. Des tueurs implacables lancés à sa poursuite. Une femme prête à tout pour le sauver. Même au prix le plus fort. Un voyage hallucinant jusqu'au coeur de la taïga mongole. Là où règne la loi du Concile de pierre : celle du combat originel, quand l'homme, l'animal et l'esprit ne font plus qu'un. Tous prêts à l'apocalypse. Avec ses deux premiers romans, Jean-Christophe Grangé avait déjà stupéfié jusqu'aux plus grands maîtres américains et provoqué l'enthousiasme des cinéastes : productions internationales et budgets records pour les adaptations des Rivières pourpres et du Vol des cigognes. Egalement en cours d'adaptation pour le cinéma (un film de Guillaume Nicloux, avec Monica Bellucci), Le Concile de pierre va encore plus loin. Il «explose» littéralement les limites du thriller traditionnel.

Rating Based On Books Le Concile de pierre
Ratings: 3.58 From 2996 Users | 79 Reviews

Write Up Based On Books Le Concile de pierre
En kötü Grange kitabı diyebilirim. Fazla zorlamış olayları, fazla masalsı kalmış ve bir polisiye için gerçekçi olmayan detaylar ikna edici olmayınca olmuyor.

2.5 stars!Jean-Christophe Grangé is know for his fast-paced, mysterious and thrilling books and after having read a few of his books, I was looking forward to reading Der steinerne Kreis. The blurb sounded interesting - an adopted child likely to carry an important secret is in danger and his mother, a very intriguing young woman, is travelling to the end of the word in order to save her child. The first half of the story was very interesting - finding out about Lucien's roots and a number of

Yazarın okuduğum ilk kitabıydı ve etrafımdan duyduğum övgüleri hak edecek aman aman olaylar yoktu. Kitap akıcıydı evet,(Sonu hariç. Sonunu bağlayamamiş bence) ama yazar anlattığı konularda biraz daha derine inse daha hoşuma giderdi muhtemelen. 2.7/5

It was first book I read Grangé. I loved characters

Benim için tam bir hayal kırıklığı yarattı- sonu aşağı yukarı belli ve fazla zorlanmış. Bu tarz kitapları çok severek okumama rağmen bunu zor bitirdim diyebilirim.

That's just like it was written by 9 year old me. Seriously, why do YouCut everyEverythingIt just doesn't add to suspense or anything, you just kill the procces of focus being developed into concentration. I almost gave up on reading this shit. I mean story isn't bad although the ending sucks. The beginning, characther archs, dialogs execution its all ok until you realize that there is a cut in every 2 sometimes even 1 pages. It gets annoying and distractig. I can't focus on that. What are you?

После прочтения "Пассажира" "Братство камня" неприятно так меня ошарашил. До того глупо и бестолково написано. Такое ощущение, что Гранже ваял сей анти-шедевр будучи в запое или с бодуна, а когда сдал в издательство сей сомнительный труд, там позабыли отредактировать текст знаменитости.Автор напоминает Роллингса в самых худших традициях: много фантазии, наивности и нестыковок, зато мало логики.Не собираюсь перечислять все глупости романа - на то ушло бы уйма времени, и получилась бы отдельная


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