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Original Title: I Hate You - Don't Leave Me
ISBN: 0380713055 (ISBN13: 9780380713059)
Edition Language: English
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I Hate You, Don't Leave Me: Understanding the Borderline Personality Paperback | Pages: 224 pages
Rating: 3.82 | 8508 Users | 459 Reviews

Identify Epithetical Books I Hate You, Don't Leave Me: Understanding the Borderline Personality

Title:I Hate You, Don't Leave Me: Understanding the Borderline Personality
Author:Jerold J. Kreisman
Book Format:Paperback
Book Edition:First Edition
Pages:Pages: 224 pages
Published:February 1st 1991 by Avon Books (first published 1989)
Categories:Psychology. Nonfiction. Health. Mental Health. Self Help. Mental Illness. Reference

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"AM I LOSING MY MIND?" People with Borderline Personality Disorder experience such violent and frightening mood swings that they often fear for their sanity. They can be euphoric one moment, despairing and depressed the next. There are an estimated 10 million sufferers of BPD living in America today—each displaying remarkably similar symptoms: ● a shaky sense of identity ● sudden violent outbursts ● oversensitivity to real or imagined rejection ● brief, turbulent love affairs ● frequent periods of intense depression ● eating disorders, drug abuse, and other self-destructive tendencies ● an irrational fear of abandonment and an inability to be alone For years BPD was difficult to describe, diagnose, and treat. But now, for the first time, Dr. Jerold J. Kreisman and health writer Hal Straus offer much-needed professional advice, helping victims and their families to understand and cope with this troubling,shockingly widespread affliction.

Rating Epithetical Books I Hate You, Don't Leave Me: Understanding the Borderline Personality
Ratings: 3.82 From 8508 Users | 459 Reviews

Assessment Epithetical Books I Hate You, Don't Leave Me: Understanding the Borderline Personality
Yet another text in my selfhelpocalypse last year.This one is the updated edition of the foundational text that set up the abstract psychiatric object borderline personality disorder.'Ill just say upfront that Im not sure if such an object exists (i.e., outside of abstract theory), and certainly I dont much care for pop psych books such as this when distributed to laypersons (such as myself) who lack the education and experience to discern what behaviors and ideas by real persons might be

This book does nothing to convince me that the diagnosis of BPD is coherent or particularly useful. As always, case stories that neatly dovetail with the author's point of view are included, but I found the inclusion of gratuitous diagnosis of famous (and usually beautiful) women as BPD to be highly distasteful. Both Marilyn Monroe and Princess Diana are dissected. I can see the appeal of fantasizing about offering therapy to such women, but working out those fantasies in book form is in

Tl;dr this book is a pile of garbage.This is an out-of-date book written by a sexist old man and I cant believe this is considered among the best in BPD literature. Its borderline hate speech. The author refers to people with bpd as the borderline. Incredibly dehumanizing. I actually made an entire note in my notes app dedicated to all the things I found problematic and infuriating about this book as I read it. My biggest beef is that he portrays people with a BPD diagnosis as irrational,

This book uses astonishingly stigmatizing language. It uses phrases like, "The borderline does this" and "The bordline feels this" throughout. It's the same kind of language that, for example, old-school anthropological studies (ethnographies) tend to use-it renders "the borderline" as both a monolithic type and as other. It is insulting to presume that all people with this diagnosis are the same. Borderline was originally a diagnosis for people, nearly all women, who sought mental health care

I may be in the minority here, but I hate this book. Its stance on those who deal with BPD is far from empathetic - rather, it perpetuates this myth that all people with BPD are ridiculous and borderline-dangerous individuals who care only for themselves. As someone who suffers from BPD myself, it had me wanting to slit my own throat for the good of humanity by the time I was done. How very "Borderline" of me.

Great book. It was my mom who turned me on to this. My mom had worked with many Borderlines in her counseling practice. I found this book to be both easy to read and utterly fascinating. It is absorbing and I read it quickly.It provides much insight into this personality so if you are seeking better ways to understand the Borderline this is a great book in which to do that.

Is this book in dire need of an update? Yes! Published in 1989, it is about time for a re-haul or at the very least a new introduction. Furthermore, whether it was published in the 1980's or now, it lacks a feminist analysis which in turn normalizes violence (and in particular intimate partner violence) and heterosexist stereotypes about women and men's behaviors and emotions. This absence proves dangerous for both individuals suffering from BPD and their family members. The authors propose

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