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Original Title: Satyricon
ISBN: 0192839527 (ISBN13: 9780192839527)
Edition Language: English
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The Satyricon Paperback | Pages: 272 pages
Rating: 3.81 | 6602 Users | 328 Reviews

Itemize Epithetical Books The Satyricon

Title:The Satyricon
Book Format:Paperback
Book Edition:First Edition
Pages:Pages: 272 pages
Published:August 19th 1999 by Oxford University Press, USA (first published 60)
Categories:Classics. Fiction. Poetry. Literature. Ancient

Description Toward Books The Satyricon

Satyricon on yksi maailmankirjallisuuden omaleimaisimpia teoksia. Kautta vuosituhannen se on närkästyttänyt tosikkoja ja ihastuttanut niitä, jotka haluavat tutustua verta ja lihaa olevaan ihmiseen haluineen ja pelkoineen, vikoineen ja heikkouksineen. Petronius on suuri kertoja, joka vyöryttää eteemme ajanlaskumme ensimmäisen vuosisadan kuohuvan maailman mitään inhimillistä kaihtamatta. Hänen antisankarinsa riippuvat kynsin ja hampain kiinni elämässä – ja erityisesti kaikissa mahdollisissa sen tarjoamissa nautinnoissa. Petroniuksen Satyricon löytyy tästä teoksesta ensimmäistä kertaa kokonaan suomennettuna, ajanmukaisena ja selityksin varustettuna käännöksenä.

Rating Epithetical Books The Satyricon
Ratings: 3.81 From 6602 Users | 328 Reviews

Evaluation Epithetical Books The Satyricon
the satyricon's protags are a same-sex couple whose erotic difficulties with e/o & with other ppl in their lives constitute the basic plot of the novel. (...) their relationship is the sole stable element in their lives

Petronius is like the Charles Bukowski of Imperial Roman literature, taking for his subject matter the drinking and cheating and shtupping of the underdog class and training a wisely satirical eye on the culture about him, employing a wit and sarcasm which is sophisticated and spontaneous. What survives from antiquity of this text isnt enough for us to fairly judge it but the bits and pieces that we have merit study for their unique look at Roman life in the Age of Nero. The highlight here is

For the longest time, I always wished we had the missing books of the Annals. Reading all these fragmentary or incomplete sources nothing could trump my desire to see what Tacitus had to say about Caligula. Today, I add another source I wish was more complete: the Satyricon. It was so frustrating reading this and having such great leaps in the story due to how fragmentary parts are. I felt keenly interested in reading more about the bumbling Encolpius and his misadventures. The Satyricon is by

I had to read this book for class. I loved the class, I hated the book--as did everyone else in the class. We hated reading the book so much that we couldn't even give the movie a fair shot.The book is hard to read for multiple reasons. I can't talk about the quality of the writing, since that would depend on which translation one is reading, but no matter who did the translation, some things can't be fixed. First of all, this novel is made up of only the surviving parts of the original story.

Perhaps unusually for a review of the Satyricon, allow me to quote the paragraph that first brought to my attention the existence of Petroniuss work.It was not always to be called The Great Gatsby. In a letter to Maxwell Perkins Fitzgerald wrote: I have now decided to stick to the title I put o the book. Trimalchio in West Egg (circa 7 November 1924). Trimalchio is, of course, the vulgar social upstart of immense wealth in the Satyricon of Petronius a master of sexual and gastronomic revels who

I remember having read this out of curiosity when I was around 16 years old, what surprised me was the intelligence of the writer and the character of the people encountered by the hero throughout the book. It certainly wasn't my first of the Roman classics, but the one which opened my eyes to the fact that civilization and society do not develop following a neat straight and "rising" vector.

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