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The Second Coming Paperback | Pages: 360 pages
Rating: 3.96 | 2065 Users | 161 Reviews

Define Books During The Second Coming

Original Title: The Second Coming
ISBN: 0312243243 (ISBN13: 9780312243241)
Edition Language: English
Literary Awards: PEN/Faulkner Award for Fiction Nominee (1981), Los Angeles Times Book Prize for Fiction (1980), National Book Critics Circle Award Nominee for Fiction (1980), Mississippi Institute of Arts and Letters Award for Literature (1981), National Book Award Finalist for Fiction (Hardcover) (1981) & (Paperback) (1982) Alabama Author Award for Fiction (1981)

Interpretation Conducive To Books The Second Coming

Will Barrett (also the hero of Percy's The Last Gentleman) is a lonely widower suffering from a depression so severe that he decides he doesn't want to continue living. But then he meets Allison, a mental hospital escapee making a new life for herself in a greenhouse. The Second Coming is by turns touching and zany, tragic and comic, as Will sets out in search of God's existence and winds up finding much more.

Mention Epithetical Books The Second Coming

Title:The Second Coming
Author:Walker Percy
Book Format:Paperback
Book Edition:Deluxe Edition
Pages:Pages: 360 pages
Published:September 13th 1999 by Picador USA (first published 1980)
Categories:Fiction. Literature. Literary Fiction. American. Southern. Novels

Rating Epithetical Books The Second Coming
Ratings: 3.96 From 2065 Users | 161 Reviews

Crit Epithetical Books The Second Coming
There is something almost ineffable that hits me when I read Walker Percy. I think it is the grace of Percy's confrontation and struggle with spiritual belief. His characters are amazing, his prose is lovely. He writes these quirky scenes, in a sometimes peculiar prose without them seeming fussy or overwrought (an amazing balancing act right there). Perhaps, I am just drawn to my big Trinity of Catholic Novelists(Greene, O'Connor, Percy). They don't play in an easy playground of consecration.

Published when Percy was in his mid 60's this book is the work of a survivor. While I typically encourage people to start Percy by reading the Moviegoer, it is in The Second Coming that one sees a much fuller expression of what Percy is on to and up to. The exploration throughout the book of Will's hunting trip with his father in a Georgia swamp is, in my view, the best writing Percy ever did. We have set before us life and death; in a culture that chooses and even loves death (the braver like

Was led to The Second Coming by The Moviegoer. I just loved this book. Better than Percy's first.Again drawn to the mountain setting outside Asheville, NC where my family lived after leaving NY.Will Barrett is a widower whose wife was rich and did good deeds. He went north as a lawyer and made alot of money, too. With daughter Leslie in tow, he and his wife set up a life in the mountains. Riddled with the knowledge that his father committed suicide and tried to take Will with him, Will tries to

I find myself rereading Percy novels. They are philosophical and quite funny.In this one, Will Barrett as a child hunts with his dad. His father shoots him and then shoots himself. Later his father commits suicide by shooting himself again. Will is a lost soul. He keeps revisiting what happened when his dad shot him. He eventually sees that his father wanted to kill him before committing suicide in order to save Will from a meaningless existence.Will seeks meaning. His life, while successful on

This is probably a whole lot better book than I give it credit for. IT's the second of a series by Percy but stands alone if you can overlook some undetailed background. The plot and the character development are excellent. The main rather religious/spiritual theme, as well as the themes of love and mental illness are given very worthy treatment. The problem I have is the wordiness. Percy just seemed to go on and on and on for no real reason I could fathom, there was no knew info in those pages

In late 2005 I started another round of re-reads of Walker Percy's novels. I'm never sure how a re-read will live up to memory or time, but TSC did just fine. There was one section where I felt bogged down by some details, but I was even more touched by the two main characters than I had been in the past. As I get older, I feel I get more and more out of his novels, especially his later ones. Do read The Last Gentleman, if you can, before you read TSC.

Not sure what to make of the book. I wondered if the need to believe was at the center of the work. One must be mentally ill to believe therefore one chooses mental illness over sanity. Will Barret was a successful lawyer, lived a full life, retired early. But he is not all there. His seizures attached to his father's suicide and his attempt to overcome what is his birthmark. He accepts the possible illusion of a second coming at the end of the novel. I kept feeling that this was a sort New Age

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