Books Fruits Basket, Vol. 3 (Fruits Basket #3) Free Download

Mention Based On Books Fruits Basket, Vol. 3 (Fruits Basket #3)

Title:Fruits Basket, Vol. 3 (Fruits Basket #3)
Author:Natsuki Takaya
Book Format:Paperback
Book Edition:First Edition
Pages:Pages: 208 pages
Published:June 8th 2004 by TokyoPop (first published September 17th 1999)
Categories:Sequential Art. Manga. Fantasy. Romance. Graphic Novels. Young Adult
Books Fruits Basket, Vol. 3 (Fruits Basket #3) Free Download
Fruits Basket, Vol. 3 (Fruits Basket #3) Paperback | Pages: 208 pages
Rating: 4.38 | 16854 Users | 362 Reviews

Relation Conducive To Books Fruits Basket, Vol. 3 (Fruits Basket #3)

A family with an ancient curse... And the girl who will change their lives forever... It's Valentines Day and you know what that means - lots of chocolates for the cutest boys at school! In this case, it's a pretty close tie between hot-headed Kyo Sohma and "Prince Charming" Yuki Sohma. Of course the kind-hearted Tohru, guest of the Sohma family, has chocolates for everyone! But when White Day comes around, what will the Sohma family give her in return?

Present Books Concering Fruits Basket, Vol. 3 (Fruits Basket #3)

Original Title: フルーツバスケット 3
ISBN: 1591826055 (ISBN13: 9781591826057)
Edition Language: English
Series: Fruits Basket #3
Characters: Tohru Honda, Yuki Sohma, Kyo Sohma, Shigure Sohma, Hatori Sohma, Hatsuharu Sohma, Akito Sohma, Momiji Sohma
Setting: Japan

Rating Based On Books Fruits Basket, Vol. 3 (Fruits Basket #3)
Ratings: 4.38 From 16854 Users | 362 Reviews

Write Up Based On Books Fruits Basket, Vol. 3 (Fruits Basket #3)
5/5 stars.First book of the year! I've just decided to reread this series again, I love it so much. :') Third time rereading it and I still notice things I never noticed before. :D

Another great addition to this series. Again, we meet more of the family, but most importantly the subtle larger plot continues to grow and we find out who is pulling which strings. I loved this and cried during it, as seems to be normal for me during this series. I look forward to the next volume!

3.5 stars - Spoilers-Pretty good but not as enjoyable as the previous two volumes.-Tohru was still as likeable and ditzy as ever.-Yuki was blah. Definitely not a fan of the potential Yuki/Tohru pairing. -Loved Kyo and Momiji. Haru was pretty good too.-Liked the onsen tour, and the double date with Kagura/Kyo and Yuki/Tohru. -The only thing that was disappointing was the dialogue/story didn't always flow well or make sense. it made for frustrating reading. -Hoping volume 4 will be a bit better.

In this volume, we meet Hatsuharu with his wild hair and dark side. I love this guy! I think it's hilarious how the guys are always fighting and Tohru is so upset, always trying to make peace between them, but in the end all these zodiac guys really do care about each other.They may fight and get on each other's last nerve, but they are still family.I love the whole storyline with the Valentine's chocolates. It's funny how something so small can be very telling in people's relationships.I'm so

In my previous Fruits Basket review, I advised anyone reading to take caution. If you haven't already seen the anime (in which case you should) or read the previous volumes (in which case you should), I'd highly advise avoiding this particular review too....You're welcome.So anyways, Volume 3 of Fruits Basket!After being briefly introduced to Hatsuharu Sohma in the previous volume when Shigure makes a trip to the main house for New Years, naturally we want to know more about the guy and this

Hatsaharu's epic bike sceneis a great opening to volume 3. The fact that Yuki just stuffed negi (Leeks) into Kyo's mouth is absolutely hilarious. The dramatic and hilarious fight between Hatsaru and Kyo... It's definetaly amusing. Ahh... And the sudden encounter with Kyo's 'Love', Kagura. She's really funny and made me want to read even further to the book. Not forgetting my favourite panel: Shigure with the maid dress to 'repay' Tohru for the lovely chocolate. And Haru's comment on his gift was

Typically, I begin my reviews with a brief summary. But I just can't. These chapters are all over the place! That said, Fruits Basket Volume 2 still connects everything clearly. It's such a strange and wonderful reading experience. I am so glad for the introduction of Hatsuharu (aka Haru). He's the sort of character which really makes an anime. Eccentric, extreme, loving, and downright hilarious. I hope we get to see more of him! I've also noticed that as more and more Zodiac characters are

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