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Original Title: Dime quién soy
ISBN: 8401337550 (ISBN13: 9788401337550)
Edition Language: Spanish
Characters: Pablo Soler, Amelia Garayoa Cuní, Javier Carranza Garayoa, Santiago Carranza Velarde, Guillermo Albi, Águeda, Amelia María Garayoa, Doña Melita, Doña Laura, Edurne, Amaya, Antoinetta Garayoa, Lola García, Josep, Doña Teresa, Don Manuel Carranza, Doña Elena, Pierre Comte
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Dime quién soy Hardcover | Pages: 1096 pages
Rating: 4.27 | 10159 Users | 842 Reviews

Narration As Books Dime quién soy

Una periodista recibe una propuesta para investigar la azarosa vida de su bisabuela, una mujer de la que sólo se sabe que huyó de España abandonando a su marido y a su hijo poco antes de que estallara la Guerra Civil. Para rescatarla del olvido deberá reconstruir su historia desde los cimientos, siguiendo los pasos de su biografía y encajando, una a una, todas las piezas del inmenso y extraordinario puzzle de su existencia. Marcada por los hombres que pasaron por su vida -el empresario Santiago Carranza, el revolucionario Pierre Comte, el periodista estadounidense Albert James y el médico militar vinculado al nazismo Max von Schumann-, la vida de Amelia Garayoa es la de una mujer que aprendió que en la vidsa no se puede volver sobre el pasado para deshacerlo. Desde la España republicana hasta la caída del Muro de Berlín, pasando por la Segunda Guerra mundial y los oscuros años de la Guerra fría, esta burguesa y revolucionaria, esposa y amante, espía y asesina, actuará siempre de acuerdo a sus principios, enfrentándose a todo y cometiendo errores que no terminará nunca de pagar. Memoria de un siglo convulso, caracterizado por la barbarie de los totalitarismos, esta obra es una vuelta de tuerca en la trayectoria de una de nuestras novelistas más internacionales. Dime quién soy sorprende por su dramatismo e instrospección, por su intriga y por sus emociones a flor de piel. Una aventura desgarradora y cautivadora que tiene unos personajes excepcionalmente perfilados y literariamente inolvidables.

Describe Epithetical Books Dime quién soy

Title:Dime quién soy
Author:Julia Navarro
Book Format:Hardcover
Book Edition:Special Edition
Pages:Pages: 1096 pages
Published:March 30th 2010 by Plaza & Janes Editores (first published 2010)
Categories:Historical. Historical Fiction. European Literature. Spanish Literature. Fiction

Rating Epithetical Books Dime quién soy
Ratings: 4.27 From 10159 Users | 842 Reviews

Crit Epithetical Books Dime quién soy
An exhausting 1,200 pages that I thought would never end. The main character is like a cockroach- she just doesn't die. I'm not sure why I stuck with this book, I guess I hoped it would get better. To be fair- I read this immediately after Tiempo Entre Costuras and because the stories are so similar and because Tiempo was so good, the comparison was not favorable for this book.

Well written, an excellent historical novel. It travels through history showing the horror of the war and the fight for survival under extreme conditions.An impressive page turner even for the not historical books kind.

This book sucks! It's one of the lamest stories ever. Without any twists everything is just straight forward and the main characters are boring. The "journalist" who isn't able to do any research by himself and always needs people that are pointed out to him and happen to know exactly what he needs. The writing doesn't change a bit if the story shifts from one character telling it to another. And don't want to spoil the end but I was thinking "what? This is it? This is how the author intended

I bought the book 2 years ago, waiting on my bookshelf crying all the time " read me, read me". Today I red the last page and closed the book.I must say during the time I was reading the book I was only physically present. Mentally I was walking aside Amelia traveling with her, feeling the tortures, the courage, the love and the pain she endured.It's been a long time I've been reading such a good novel. Thank you Julia Navarro

One of the Best Book I've ever read.Extraordinary!

Amazing storyI picked this book randomly and it didnt disappoint me. The main character is adventurous and goes places all around the world, almost making you feel as if you were in those places. Through the book many important historical events take place like the Spanish civil war, WWII, the Cold War and the fall of Berlins wall.The chapters on the WWII context really touched my heart since many of the terrible things happening in the developing of the chapter, were not just fiction but things

At times very fun, but not the best. The story is outrageous but I like that -- international intrigue and adventure. Communism. Romance. A lot of completely unbelievable circumstances and events that I am usually willing to forgive. What bothered me about the book was the presentation style -- that of a young man researching the life of his great-grandmother. I think ultimately the presentation distances the reader from the main characters and makes them feel less compelling/vivid. It added

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