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Original Title: Bullet
ISBN: 0425234339 (ISBN13: 9780425234334)
Edition Language: English
Series: Anita Blake, Vampire Hunter #19
Characters: Anita Blake, Jean-Claude (Anita Blake series), Richard Zeeman
Setting: St. Louis, Missouri(United States)
Literary Awards: Goodreads Choice Award Nominee for Paranormal Fantasy (2010)
Free Books Online Bullet (Anita Blake, Vampire Hunter #19) Download
Bullet (Anita Blake, Vampire Hunter #19) Hardcover | Pages: 356 pages
Rating: 3.84 | 30052 Users | 1246 Reviews

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Watch a video The music came back up and the next group of little girls, slightly older, came out. There was a lot of that in the next hour and change. I liked dance, and it was no reflection on the kids, but my will to live began to seep away on about the fifth group of sequined children... Anita Blake is back in St. Louis and trying to live a normal life-as normal as possible for someone who is a legal vampire executioner and a U. S. Marshal. There are lovers, friends and their children, school programs to attend. In the midst of all the ordinary happiness a vampire from Anita's past reaches out. She was supposed to be dead, killed in an explosion, but the Mother of All Darkness is the first vampire, their dark creator. It's hard to kill a god. This dark goddess has reached out to her here-in St. Louis, home of everyone Anita loves most. The Mother of All Darkness has decided she has to act now or never, to control Anita, and all the vampires in America. The Mother of All Darkness believes that the triumvirate created by master vampire Jean-Claude with Anita and the werewolf Richard Zeeman has enough power for her to regain a body and to immigrate to the New World. But the body she wants to possess is already taken. Anita is about to learn a whole new meaning to sharing her body, one that has nothing to do with the bedroom. And if the Mother of All Darkness can't succeed in taking over Anita's body for herself, she means to see that no one else has the use of it, ever again. Even Belle Morte, not always a friend to Anita, has sent word: "Run if you can..."

Be Specific About Out Of Books Bullet (Anita Blake, Vampire Hunter #19)

Title:Bullet (Anita Blake, Vampire Hunter #19)
Author:Laurell K. Hamilton
Book Format:Hardcover
Book Edition:First Edition
Pages:Pages: 356 pages
Published:June 1st 2010 by Berkley
Categories:Fantasy. Urban Fantasy. Paranormal. Vampires. Romance. Paranormal Romance

Rating Out Of Books Bullet (Anita Blake, Vampire Hunter #19)
Ratings: 3.84 From 30052 Users | 1246 Reviews

Write-Up Out Of Books Bullet (Anita Blake, Vampire Hunter #19)
Fifteen pages of "my men are so so so gorgeous and everyone is jealous of me" lead into about forty pages of bad relationship talking. "I don't understand my feeeeelings...gorgeous men, explain me to me!" which lead into ten pages of icky sex. Then there's a little bit of plot, followed by an orgy, and more relationship chatting. Then, FINALLY, there's some actual interesting plot, followed by bad writing...and a repeat of everything above but the orgy. (Of course, I've had to change my

When I first found the Anita Blake books, I was first intrigued, then impressed, then amazed, then enthralled, than slightly co-dependent, than sad, than disgusted, and finally done.Like an empowered woman I walked away from Anita Blake after an 18 book relationship. For 3 years, I never one regretted this decisions. Oh sure, from time to time I'd hear rumors that Anita hadn't even begun to hit rock bottom, but I lived in happy ignorance. Until the day that I saw Bullet sitting on my e-libraries

Bullet Review:(Get it?! BULLET Review? Of BULLET? Don't we have some BULLET inception going on here??)Proof positive that LKH:A) No longer gives a sh!t for her fans.B) Is writing out her personal sexual fantasy.C) Has absolutely no editor/editor needs to be tortured.This is the biggest piece of sh!t since "Incubus Dreams" and "Danse Macabre". Pointless, plotless, meandering, with more scenes talking about everyone's feelings and sexual pairings (not necessarily sex, mind you!) than anything to

Wow.Laurell K. Hamilton came back swinging hard with this book. A book that's finally set in St. Louis with all of our favourites. Jean-Claude, Asher, Nathaniel, Micah, Jason and Richard! Yup even Richard and like LKH mentioned he is back to his old self. The therapist he's seen really did something great for him. He's there for the triumvirate and he's even more swoonish then he was. I can totally understand why Laurell and Anita would both be so hesitant to trust him again. Every page is

I never wrote a review for this one, even though I meant to. I moved across the country right after I finished this, and even though I kept notes, I've just never gotten around to writing a proper review. Please read my status updates if you're curious why I gave this 1 star. I sometimes find it hard to properly convey my absolute RAGE with this series, but my knee-jerk reactions to various passages are pretty accurate portrayals of my overall feelings. I can't help but think I'm doing my

Gosh I wish there was a plot to this book...Since there was so little going on I will use this review to note the issues that just seem to keep coming up:1. Anita angsting over all the men - Can I just say that when she could avoid having to feed the ardeur as much by having a fucking cheeseburger she SHOULD feel like a whore.2. As someone who loved the first few books when there was less sex and more story I have to say that I am mad at how little there is of Jean-Claude as the books go on. I

I am normally a loyal fan & have a lot of patience for LKH in general. I have hung in there with Anita (& Merry) & when many fans started turning away calling the series "porn" - I still liked it, still defended it, was still very into the stories & the characters (bar a few). This book crashed & burned the series IMO. It was a pathetic mess. I don't even know what this was. I think LKH's massive amount of hubris made her lose the plot. This was an extension of LKH's

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