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Original Title: The Crimson Crown
ISBN: 1423144333 (ISBN13: 9781423144335)
Edition Language: English URL
Series: Seven Realms #4
Characters: Fire Dancer, Han Alister, Princess Raisa ana’Marianna, Micah Bayar, Amon Byrne, Cat Tyburn
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The Crimson Crown (Seven Realms #4) Hardcover | Pages: 598 pages
Rating: 4.47 | 37055 Users | 2726 Reviews

Interpretation As Books The Crimson Crown (Seven Realms #4)

A thousand years ago, two young lovers were betrayed-Alger Waterlow to his death, and Hanalea, Queen of the Fells, to a life without love. Now, once again, the Queendom of the Fells seems likely to shatter apart. For young queen Raisa ana'Marianna, maintaining peace even within her own castle walls is nearly impossible; tension between wizards and Clan has reached a fevered pitch. With surrounding kingdoms seeking to prey on the Fells' inner turmoil, Raisa's best hope is to unite her people against a common enemy. But that enemy might be the person with whom she's falling in love. Through a complicated web of lies and unholy alliances, former streetlord Han Alister has become a member of the Wizard Council of the Fells. Navigating the cut-throat world of blue blood politics has never been more dangerous, and Han seems to inspire hostility among Clan and wizards alike. His only ally is the queen, and despite the perils involved, Han finds it impossible to ignore his feelings for Raisa. Before long, Han finds himself in possession of a secret believed to be lost to history, a discovery powerful enough to unite the people of the Fells. But will the secret die with him before he can use it? A simple, devastating truth concealed by a thousand-year-old lie at last comes to light in this stunning conclusion to the Seven Realms series.

Mention Out Of Books The Crimson Crown (Seven Realms #4)

Title:The Crimson Crown (Seven Realms #4)
Author:Cinda Williams Chima
Book Format:Hardcover
Book Edition:Special Edition
Pages:Pages: 598 pages
Published:October 23rd 2012 by Hyperion Book CH
Categories:Fantasy. Young Adult. Magic. Romance. High Fantasy. Young Adult Fantasy. Fiction

Rating Out Of Books The Crimson Crown (Seven Realms #4)
Ratings: 4.47 From 37055 Users | 2726 Reviews

Column Out Of Books The Crimson Crown (Seven Realms #4)
Man oh man. This series... The Seven Realms series definitely makes my favorites list!Read this series!(view spoiler)[I loved everything about this book.I loved that Lucious could finally find some peace... although it was pretty disappointing to hear that he was the one that betrayed Alger.. I always liked Lucious and it was just sad to hear about that. At the same time though we learned that Hanalea DIDN'T betray him, so there's that. The ending with Han brining her as a wolf to meet with

✨ Spoiler free for the whole series ✨LOOK OUT, FANTASY WRITERS! SEE THIS BOOK? *pushes The Crimson Crown in your hands*SEE THIS? LOOK AT IT! JUST LOOK AT IT! This is how you end a series : BLOODY. FABULOUS. WHY? WHAT DO WE READERS WANT? Alright. I can think of some things : 1) WE ARE OUT FOR BLOOD. SO. We need IN YOUR FACE! moments with the villains and all those who annoyed the hell out of us. Yes, this is MUCH needed. Nothing's worst than anticlimactic confrontations. Give us GIDDINESS. 2) If

4.5 STARSSo many questions, so many stories that needed telling. A story of their own they needed to write. One with a happy ending. Easiest rating I ever had to give. For sheer entertainment alone.Its true, I ever only started on this series because of this book. So it was a bit of a winded, intricate and LONG ASS wait to get to this part but this, HOLY SHIEEEEET, this was certainly worth it!So. Many. Feels.Everything that happens in Hanaleas Graden is fucking quotable. I cant handle Han. I

My reaction upon seeing the cover:Seeing the release date:Realizing how far the release date is:Realizing how LONG I'll have to wait:Understanding that even though the publisher is not to blame, it is STILL their fault it is so. FAR. AWAY:Realizing that there's nothing I can do about it and accepting my fate:And in the end, realizing I will always love Cinda Williams Chima for delivering such a MASSIVELYBRILLIANTWICKEDAWESOME series:UPDATE: March 13thCinda Williams Chima liked this.And then I

THIS SERIES WAS PERFECT. Im crying. That last chapter ended me. Im so so happy I decided to read all of these books. I love this world, I love the characters, I love the story. Cinda Williams Chima is one of my new favorite authors and I honestly cannot wait to read the spin off series!! Im ordering the first one right now. Im seriously in awe, this was such a good ending. I loved every minute of it. 100% recommend if you are looking for a classic well rounded YA fantasy series.

After finishing... RtcEditWhen there are so many obstacles but your ship is on the verge of sailingEditCharacters are kicking butt!!! Raisa is great!Han is likeI love it!

MY's all full of the warm and fuzzies but also the why did so many people HAVE TO DIE to get here?!? And that SHIP...THAT SHIP! I don't even know what to do with myself right now. I'll have to re-read something because there's no way anything else will compare to all the feels I have for these books, not so soon after finishing the series. Except maybe her new book, which I just so happen to have in my hands...but I don't want to taint what I felt for the Seven Realms characters

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