Books Download Free Heartbound

Identify Based On Books Heartbound

Author:P.I. Alltraine
Book Format:Kindle Edition
Book Edition:Deluxe Edition
Pages:Pages: 171 pages
Published:August 5th 2015 by Soulmatepublishing
Categories:Young Adult. Fantasy. Romance. Science Fiction. Aliens. Young Adult Fantasy. Paranormal
Books Download Free Heartbound
Heartbound Kindle Edition | Pages: 171 pages
Rating: 3.82 | 83 Users | 34 Reviews

Narration To Books Heartbound

ONE CHOICE HAS THE POWER TO CHANGE THE FATE OF TWO WORLDS Petyr has never found it necessary to consider the humans as anything more than distant, inferior beings–until now. They are the cause of the fatal disease that has plagued his realm, taking the lives of too many of his kind. As a future leader of a realm in peril, Petyr must find a way to resist and cure the affliction. He must enter the unfamiliar realm, appear to be an ordinary eighteen year-old human, observe and learn. However, things don't exactly go according to plan. Instead of embarking single-mindlendly on his sober mission, Petyr meets and 18 year old girl who does things to his emotions that he can't quite fathom or control. Petyr is falling in love, and he almost forgets the gravity his choices have on his entire world. Despite the risk it poses to his life and hers, he wants to know her, and he wants her to know him–and his world.

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Edition Language: English

Rating Based On Books Heartbound
Ratings: 3.82 From 83 Users | 34 Reviews

Write-Up Based On Books Heartbound
AMAZING READ! It was so difficult to put down, but I didn't want it to end!!! I need the next book RIGHT NOW!!! I might just go re-read this straight away because I'm not ready to let it go just yet. I will post the proper review it deserves asap.

In this book, we follow the story through Petyr's eyes (pronounced Peter as Scarlett mentions in this clever reference: "They even know to spell your name with a Y instead of an E. Some of them will never remember that William Cowper's surname, whose work we've been studying since Week 1 by the way, is spelt is OW and not double O"). The fact that Petyr is not human makes his perspective incredibly fascinating. The author did a fabulous job creating such an authentic voice for him. He is so

I lloooooovvveeeee this book so much! I am sooo in love with Petyr. Its so rare to have a male character in a YA fantasy novel whos hot and mysterious and dreamy, but isnt annoyingly perfect or creepy or an asshole! I find it refreshing that Petyr is the narrator in the story. Not only that we get a male POV, he also isnt human. The author did an incredible job at making his character so convincing and realistic. Remember when you first fell in love? The intensity of the emotions? We get to see

AMAZING READ! It was so difficult to put down, but I didn't want it to end!!! I need the next book RIGHT NOW!!! I might just go re-read this straight away because I'm not ready to let it go just yet. I will post the proper review it deserves asap.

*between 3 and 3.5 stars* I read this based on Holly's recommendation on Goodreads and simply because the cover is extremely appealing. Just look at it, isn't it stunning? I love the colors and the beautiful sky and EVERYTHING. I didn't really know what to expect from this book but because Holly loved it so much I had hopes for it to be really, really good! Sadly, I didn't like it as much as I hoped I would. *sigh*Everything was a bit confusing - I don't think the words (like Corta, Exir,I received an ARC when I signed up to host the book tour. I made no guarantee of a favorable review.What an amazingly romantic story. I honestly had a hard time putting this book down once I started to read it. You will find yourself falling in love with the male character Petyr who was mysterious and sounded dreamy and he wasn't vain! The author's abilities to pull you in with her world building, well developed story line and strong characters will quickly sweep you off your feet. This is also

This is one of those books that sounded really good. When I opened it up to read it. I found myself only sitting and reading one chapter at a time. I got to chapter four and then took a break from this book. When I came back to this book revived and ready to jump into it, I found that my feelings about this book had not changed from the first four chapters. There was nothing exciting about Petyr's world or Petyr himself. Also, I did not feel the connection between him and Scarlett. I was trying

I thoroughly enjoyed this book. I didn't really expect to. It was just supposed to be a quick read, but what a gem. The idea is unique and the character's voice is intriguing. The twist towards the end it brilliant. Overall, a great book. I would definitely get the next one.

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